The Pleasure Positive Podcast

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EP161 CLIMAX: A Website That Cliterally Teaches Women How to Expand Their Masturbation Practice in “Graphic” Detail

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Welcome to Masturbation May Cliterati! 

So real talk: More than 1 in 5 of American women have never masturbated. Three years ago, Katie was one of those women. Only 39% of women regularly orgasm during sex, compared to 91% of men. This is what we call a PLEASURE GAP or an ORGASM GAP. 

Statistically, women need to amp up their orgasm count and infuse more pleasure into our lives and unfortunately this is STILL a taboo subject. This is why Clit Talk is taking female sexuality out of the closet and doing our pleasure challenge to celebrate Masturbation May. And today… drum roll please… we are introducing you to the first educational series dedicated to female pleasure that promises to teach us the most effective masturbation techniques. You may have seen it in Elle, Forbes, Marie Claire, Playboy… please welcome back Cam Fraser and Isiah from the new sex-ed series CLIMAX!

What is CLIMAX?

  • CLIMAX’s mission is to change mentalities, promote healthy masturbation and give everyone great education on the subject. Can you tell us what sparked this mission?

  • CLIMAX is not using metaphorical images or illustrations to speak about the female anatomy but they show us concretely what we need to see. Can you tell our listeners what they will be seeing and why it’s so important to deliver the information this way?

  • CLIMAX provides tips and techniques ‘proven to work’ for female pleasure

In this episode we look at:

  • The importance of masturbation as it relates to our overall well being

  • Favorite techniques for female pleasure

  • Steps we can take to normalize masturbation

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Tune Into This Week’s Episode Of Clit Talk