EP174 We get F***ing Real: Life Updates from the Hosts of Clit Talk, Success Stories & Cliterati Q&A
EP174 We get F***ing Real: Life Updates from the Hosts of Clit Talk, Success Stories & Cliterati Q&A
It’s On!
The hosts of Clit Talk get super real and share explicit details of their actual, real lives! SO juicy and SO vulnerable, these badass C.L.I.T.S. have got quite the update for you.
As an extra bonus, there is a live Q&A from our Cliterati Community and a live reading of a recent fan testimonial. This fan shares how she feels sexier and more confident than ever. FUCK YES to that!
Tune into this week’s episode of Clit Talk for the full f***ing scoop. You won’t want to miss out.
In this episode we:
Share the most inspiring piece of fan mail recently sent in
Give full update on our lives
Let you in behind the scenes and share the breakdowns and breakthrough
Also have a Cliterati Q&A
Pleasure Positive Resources
Follow Clit Talk on Instagram
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