EP181 Herpes Education with Sarah from Positively Positive Podcast
Herpes Education with Sarah from Positively Positive Podcast
Episode 181
What is up Cliterati!
Did you know that one out of every six people aged 14 to 49 years have genital herpes?
Nurse Katie has been collecting some new info for you. Today, we’ll be talking HERPES!
Now that the entire globe has experienced a health crisis together, there’s a lot more people who have had to have these types of transmission conversations. They’re uncomfortable at first, then (like anything) we set our boundaries, get our facts straight and it ends up being a powerful choice one way or another.
Today, we have the woman who has taken on the conversation in a whole new way by making an ENTIRE podcast about herpes and de-stigmatize sexual health in pop culture and media. Please welcome… Sarah from Positively Positive Podcast!!!
In this episode we explore:
The stigma around herpes
All things HSV-2
How to deal with a herpes diagnosis. You’re on a first date and things are getting hot… How do you broach this conversation?
Tips and tricks for outbreaks
How transmission occurs from people who aren't up front about their status
How to get confident with dental dams and what a dental dam is
Postcoital Partner Paranoia
Food for thought for anyone who has herpes:
While it's great to be informed and responsible, at the end of the day, they either trust you and accept the risk or they don't. You've given them your routine and habits for preventing/managing symptoms, you've told them you won't have sex with them if you're feeling off, you're practicing safer s.ex - you're doing the damn thang!
A Message from Sarah, Creator of Positively Positive Podcast
“Welcome! This site is a collection of things I wish I'd had when I was first diagnosed with HSV! My main endeavor is the podcast I created to share my story and answer many of the questions you may have! It's educational, funny, and it's definitely vulnerable af, so check it out!
The other pages are resources that helped me work through the stages of diagnosis as well as links, videos, IG accounts and more things that just make me happy. I hope they make you happy too. There's lots of resources for partners and those who just want to learn more! You can even see how to easily get tested and access medication, and how to learn your body. I was frustrated and overwhelmed that all of the information wasn't in one place when I was educating myself on HSV, so that's what I'm doing here. One place with real answers and real people.” Read More...
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