Buff Muffs &
Pelvic Floor Health with Vagina Coach Kim Vopni
Episode 148
Hi Cliterati!
So here at Clit Talk, we like a strong, healthy pussy.
We want all the BEST information on how to keep her happy and ready for action!
Today, we have brought in Vagina Coach Kim Vopni, the hottest pelvic floor coach all the way from Bittsh Colombia Helping those with a vulva overcome back pain, prolapse, incontinence, and unsatisfying sex is her mission.
She believes passionately in pelvic floor health and spreading the awareness that incontinence and bladder issues are NOT "just part of being a woman".
“Pelvic floor health is hugely tied to sexual health.” Kim Vopni
Pelvic floor health is something that most women don’t know much about and lucky for us, it’s Kim’s mission to educate women.
She demistifies ‘Loose-Vagina-Phobia’ - one of the few neuroses shared by cis women. She says to reframe this notion of a tight pussy with having a strong pussy.
In this episode, Kim teaches about the stages of vulva health and her recommendations for women at all stages of life.
Bottom Line… Pelvic floor health infiltrates our sex life… and everything you need to now about how to anti up your kegal game lives inthis episode… so tune in and get your buff muff!
Kegal, schmegal…
Vagina Coach Kim Vopni teaches the Clits a simple series of exercises - ON VIDEO - to enhance pelvic floor health without the need for a kegel weight!
Head on over to Clit Talk Confidential, our VIP Membership, to access this video along with all of our other pleasure positive how-to videos from our favorite experts!
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