Los Angeles LGBT Center & Clit Talk Celebrate Non-Binary People’s Day
Episode 117
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Did you know that today is International Non-Binary People’s Day?
We are celebrating this holiday for the first time on Clit Talk and we’re very excited to have Daphne Willis on with us, as well as A SPECIAL SPECIAL GUEST!!
So what is International Non-Binary People’s Day, you may ask?
Well, lemme tell ya. It falls equidistant between International Women's Day and International Men's Day AND it also honors Kate Bornstein.
Just in case you don’t know who she is... ‘In 1986, Bornstein identified as gender non-conforming and stated "I don't call myself a woman, and I know I'm not a man" after having been assigned male at birth and receiving sex reassignment surgery.” Get ready to learn, laugh and find a new level of love for being human and freely expressed to be YOU.
Soooo we have had the very VERY special opportunity to collaborate with the Los Angeles LGBT Center. Since 1969, the center has been THE champion and unstoppable force in the fight against bigotry and the struggle to build a better world where LGBT people thrive as healthy, equal, and complete members of society.
Our guest today, Ariel Bustamante, is a former Liberty Hill Leader to Watch and American Bar Association Panelist who’s spent over a decade working with social justice non-profits and now the center is lucky to have her manage initiatives focused on improving the safety, wellbeing, and permanency of LGBTQ+ youth in systems of care.
She’s a a multi-racial, queer, femme, certified HIV testing and prevention counselor, and get this... she self-designed her college studies on inequality and oppression in VERMONT. This woman is the definition of what it looks like to dedicate your life to a mission and make a profound difference on a global scale.
In this episode we touch on...
The different types of gender identities (is there a number?) and what do they mean?
How society has defined feminine and masculine identities
Pronouns and how to use them
How these principles be applied to interpersonal relationships (friends, families and partners)
How can the workplace be more supportive of the gender queer community and protocols that work well to combat some of those issues?
Since 1969 the Los Angeles LGBT Center has cared for, championed, and celebrated LGBT individuals and families in Los Angeles and beyond. Today the Center's nearly 800 employees provide services for more LGBT people than any other organization in the world, offering programs, services, and global advocacy that span four broad categories: Health, Social Services and Housing, Culture and Education, Leadership and Advocacy.
Learn more at lalgbtcenter.org
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